The human brain
The human brain is the center of the Nervous System. It is a complex organ that performs a large number of functions in a general way. It can be said that it is responsible for regulating and maintaining the functions of the body, as well as being the organ where the mind and consciousness reside. It is susceptible to suffering from degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease; as well as a series of psychic disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, neurosis and other pathologies that are estimated to be the product of brain dysfunction.
A very common condition is migraine, since at a global level it preferentially attacks the female sex, the incidence being that of every three women, one suffers from migraine and in men, one in five suffers from this condition.
Migraine affects only one side of the head, causing intense pain that completely disables the sufferer; regularly accompanied by vomiting, nausea sensitivity to light, etc.
The PHARMALAT Corporation, aware of the importance of reaching the cause of these pathologies, created the Department of Bio-Molecular Innovation, which is responsible for research on the origin that is causing these abnormalities in the brain, and is developing specific formulations for the different diseases of the Nervous System.
Expect upcoming news of innovative and effective products that are about to be launched in the Central American market, in order to alleviate the chronic diseases that affect our nervous system.
Neurocerebral Line Manager.