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Dermatological line

Since the inception of PHARMALAT in the Central American regional market, quality alternatives were provided for the treatment of traditional dermatological pathologies, with both topical and systematic presentations for the treatment of different fungal diseases. As the vision of the PHARMALAT Corporation evolves, hand in hand with its President and founder, towards a turning point in which, challenge for the beginnings of the second decade of the 21st century is to demystify the origins of some pathologies that have afflicted millennia to our humanity, and where the etiology of these affections, even to date, have remained hidden and unresolved for the research bodies of even the first world countries; some of these pathologies being part of the self-imposed challenge for the research arm of the Corporation, BioMolecular Innovation Pharma , to find the cause and achieve closer relief and response to pathologies as mysterious as implacable, such as PSORIAIS, VITILIGO ALOPECIAS, to put some examples. PSORIASIS, from the Greek Ψ ώρ α, or itch, of as yet unknown etiology, characterized by squamous, thickened and inflamed lesions, with a wide clinical and evolutionary variability, being non-contagious. In which it is known that, as triggers or exacerbates, we have two of the great evils of the modern era: stress and environmental pollution. VITILIGO, the Latin term vitiligo (with severe accentuation) was apparently coined by the Roman encyclopedist Celsus in his book of medicine, written in the 1st century AD. C. There are two hypotheses about the origin of the word vitiligo
  • Vitium: ‘vice, defect’
  • Vitelius: ‘lamb’, which refers to the white color characteristic of the pathology.
Towards the end of the 19th century, the Hungarian dermatologist Moritz Kaposi (1837-1902) defined vitiligo as a pigmentary dystrophy. The vitiligo or vitiligo, is a disease that can appear at any age, although most of the people with this genetic predisposition, manifest it before the age of 20. Vitiligo is not contagious, and its consequences are fundamentally aesthetic, and therefore psychosocial. ALOPECIA, (from the Greek alopex ) is the abnormal loss or rarefaction of the hair, reason why the term is considered a synonym of baldness. It can affect the scalp or other areas of skin where there is hair, such as eyelashes, eyebrows, armpits, genital region and beard. Alopecia can be classified in a multitude of groups, according to its origin and manifestations, but the most frequent form is androgenic alopecia, also called androgenic alopecia or common baldness, which is responsible for 95% of the cases and mainly affects the male sex, and although being less frequent in women, the socio-emotional effect is its main sequel. The unifying characteristic of the three pathologies briefly described is the social and cultural stigma that commits the affected persons, developing in most of them a very strong psycho-emotional burden. Situation for which, the Dermatological BioMolecular Line, takes it as the starting point and challenge to untangle them from their intricate origin to return to their thousands of victims the dignity lost for millennia. BORIS CABRERA SOSA Ge rente Dermatology Line